
Eavd3rs Working on iOS 7 Jailbreak After iOS 7 GM Issued – Update

The team of Evad3rs is back to find iOS 7 Jailbreak Exploits because Apple has issued iOS 7 GM (Gold master) the day before and announced some new iPhone series that will be arriving later this month. We are sure that the announcement of the iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S along with the release of iOS 7 GM motivated the Evad3rs to start their work on the iOS 7 Jailbreak because they weren’t working on the Jailbreak of iOS 7 due to its availability was in Beta stages.

As Apple kicked out iOS 7 GM, i.e. the semi-final release of the official iOS Version and its intended for developers only, The Evad3rs made their move to PWN the newly designed iOS 7.


The confirmation of iOS 7 Jailbreak being worked on actively comes from the key member of the Evad3rs Team called Planetbeing, who tweeted on his official Twitter Account stating that:

Later today, @pimseks tweeted again to tell the progress of iOS 7 Jailbreak stating that they have found unsigned userland code execution with some of their stuff in reserve.


The Evad3rs are making a solid progress on iOS 7 Jailbreak and they will try their best to make it public as soon as they are finished working on it. Don’t forget that the Ex-Member of the Chronic Dev-Team, P0sixninja is also working to Jailbreak iOS 7 before the Evad3rs started their work. In addition to these two teams, Wincom is also working on iOS 6.1.3/4 Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad.

Hence, it seems that the season of Untethered Jailbreak is back and we might see series of Untethered Jailbreak Tools for one iOS or we can see the teams tossing a coin between them to release or not or who will go first.


Apple iPhone 5C Replaces iPhone 5 – What’s the Logic Behind It?

Today Apple announced iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S while kicking out the one-year-old baby behind named the iPhone 5. The same iPhone 5 that was bragged by Apple on its launch on September 12, 2012 and after a year Apple kicked out the same iPhone 5 out of the league leaving no space for it on the Apple Store to shine with others. Over here, what made Apple take this step is not known, but the low-cost or mid-range iPhone 5C’s arrival was confirmed previously. In fact, every one including us thought that iPhone 4S would be kicked from the seen or would be made free by Apple and iPhone 5 would be priced $49 with two years contract.

Amazingly, iPhone 4S prediction appeared to be true, but the iPhone 5 one went down the drain because it was kicked out of the game. There was a moment of silence in the hall and among the people watching the live keynotes of Apple, when Apple displayed, “Replacing iPhone” slide in its KeyNote.

When the slide went on further, Apple announced iPhone 5C with the same specifications of iPhone 5 with minor changes made to the hardware and new color scheme was introduced.


Later on, Apple continued with the iPhone 5C and announced iPhone 5S afterwards. When the final stage of pricing came, there was no iPhone 5. Instead of iPhone 5, there were iPhone 4S, Apple iPhone 5C, and iPhone 5S. This was WTF moment for Apple fans, especially for us because iPhone 4S is old-fashioned and iPhone 5 was new. The legacy should have continued.

After the moment of silence was over, the Media Event of October 23, 2012 struck in our heads recalling the wordings of History Repeats.

Iphone 5s

On browsing back to the date of October 23,2012 we found the same thing that is done today was done with the iPad 3. Apple iPad 3 wasn’t even a year old and Apple kicked it off the shelves in replacement of the iPad 4 because iPad 4 was having some new hardware updates and it was new in the market. Therefore, Apple discontinued iPad 3, limited iPad 2 to 16GB, and displayed iPad Mini.

Hence, we can now clearly say that Apple did the same thing with Apple iPhone 5C and iPhone 5. Apple replaced iPhone 5 with iPhone 5C because i5C is a so-called low-cost iPhone made by them starting at the same price of iPhone range that is made after the release of a new iPhone. Every time a new iPhone is released, the old one gets $100 of on non-contract based price model.

Taking iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S as an example.

When iPhone 5 was announced, Apple priced it $649 waving off a $100 on iPhone 4S price making it $549.

But at the time of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C announcement, Apple had to wave off the price on the iPhone 5 because it’s the tradition of them. Instead of waving off $100 on iPhone 5 prices, Apple replaced it with iPhone 5C and priced iPhone 5C at $549 on non-contract basis.

Moreover, to cover the replacement of the iPhone 5, Apple introduced multicolored scheme in plastic body shaped iPhone 5C, so people can buy that version more than the iPhone 5.

To conclude the topic, we can clearly say that Apple made a wrong decision by eliminating the iPhone 5 from its store and replacing it with Apple iPhone 5C because the shares price of AAPL had a fall after the announcement of iPhone 5C.


iOS 7 GM for Devs Released Ahead of Official Launch on September 18

Apple released iOS 7 GM for developers ahead of official iOS 7 public release date scheduled for September 18, 2013. Today at the Media Event, Apple announced that iOS 7 Official Public Release date would be made on September 18 with some new tweaks made in UI and some new ringtones would be added in the final release for public. The final release of iOS 7 will support iPhone 4 and above, iPad 2, iPad Mini and above, and iPod Touch 5 only.


iOS 7 GM Change Log:

[toggle title_open=”Close Me” title_closed=”Open Me” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Notes and Known Issues
The following issues relate to using iOS SDK 7.0 to develop code.

Address Book
The classes in the AddressBookUI framework now explicitly disallow subclassing. For apps linked against the iOS 7 SDK, attempting to initialize a subclass of one of these classes returns nil. For apps linked against older SDKs, the only behavior change is a warning logged to the console.

Contacts Only support requires that:
You are logged in to iCloud.
The sender and receiver have each other’s Apple ID email addresses in Contacts on their devices.
App Deployment
Comparing [[[UIDevice currentDevice] identifierForVendor] UUIDString] on multiple Enterprise applications or applications installed via Xcode (not the App Store), where the bundleIDs differ only in the last component, will result in identical strings. If the bundleID has 3 or less components, this behavior is unchanged from iOS 6.

This is due to a change in behavior between iOS 6 and iOS 7 where -[UIDevice identifierForVendor] takes into account the bundleID if there is no Vendor ID. Vendor ID is only assigned to apps on the App Store.

AV Foundation
AVCaptureSession now uses your app’s AVAudioSession by default.
+[AVPlayer playerWithPlayerItem:] returns an AVPlayer object, but the current item will return nil if the player was created on another thread.
Known Issue
If you created birthdays using a beta version of iOS 7, the birthday information may have been saved incorrectly. To correct such a birthday that displays incorrectly, edit the contact and change the date.

Core Animation
When the UIViewGroupOpacity key is not present, the default value is now YES. The default was previously NO.

This means that subviews of a transparent view will first be composited onto that transparent view, then the precomposited subtree will be drawn as a whole onto the background. A NO setting results in less expensive, but also less accurate, compositing: each view in the transparent subtree is composited onto what’s underneath it, according to the parent’s opacity, in the normal painter’s algorithm order.

An NSMetadataQuery with ubiquitous scope can now use kMDItemContentTypeTree in predicates. For example:
NSPredicate *p = [NSComparisonPredicate
predicateWithLeftExpression:[NSExpression expressionForKeyPath:@”kMDItemContentTypeTree”]
rightExpression:[NSExpression expressionForConstantValue:@”public.rtf”]
modifier: NSAnyPredicateModifier
When called on results returned by queries with ubiquitous scopes, -[NSMetadataItem valueForAttribute:NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey] now produces the same value as -[NSURL getResourceValue: forKey: NSURLLocalizedNameKey], matching nonubiquitous queries.
High Precision Timers
Known Issue
When sleeping or waiting for extremely precise time intervals, timers may be delayed by up to 1 millisecond.

The kSecAttrSynchronizable APIs that were available in the Beta seeds are not available in the GM Seed.
Activation Lock, a new feature of Find My iPhone, is turned on automatically when Find My iPhone is enabled on any device running iOS 7. Activation Lock requires users to enter their Apple ID and password to turn off Find My iPhone, sign out of iCloud, erase the device, or reactivate the device after an erase. It’s important to do one of the following before transferring a device to a new user:
Sign out of iCloud.
Turn off Activation Lock in Settings > iCloud > Find My iPhone.
iTunes Radio
If you used iTunes Radio in seeds prior to the GM Seed, you need to sign out of your account and sign back in. Otherwise, your stations won’t update. To do this, go to Settings > iTunes & App Store. Select your Apple ID and then Sign Out. Then, enter your Apple ID and password, and Sign In.

If the calls to renderInContext on the layer backing an MKMapView are made off the main thread, they should be eliminated or moved to the main thread. Failure to do so can cause an app crash. Instead of using renderInContext, use the new MKMapSnapshotter APIs.

iOS now remembers the last used media app across reboot and app crashes. Media apps that can receive remote control events should be prepared to be launched in the background and potentially receive a remote control event to begin playback. Additionally, it’s important that media apps monitor and handle the media server reset event, since the media app may receive a remote request to resume playback after a reset. Notifications to monitor these media server events are available in AVAudioSession and proper handling is described in General recommendations for handling kAudioSessionProperty_ServerDied.

Multipeer Connectivity
The following new method on MCSession has been implemented:
– (NSOutputStream *)startStreamWithName:(NSString *)streamName toPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID error:(NSError **)error
This delegate method has been implemented:

– (void)session:(MCSession *)session didReceiveStream:(NSInputStream *)stream withName:(NSString *)streamName fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID
The following new method on MCSession has been implemented:
– (NSProgress *)sendResourceAtURL:(NSURL *)resourceURL withName:(NSString *)resourceName toPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withCompletionHandler:(void(^)(NSError *error))completionHandler
The delegate method to start receiving a resource from remote peer has been implemented as:

– (void)session:(MCSession *)session didStartReceivingResourceWithName:(NSString *)resourceName fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID withProgress:(NSProgress *)progress
The delegate method to finish receiving a resource from remote peer and save the content in a temporary location is implemented as:

– (void)session:(MCSession *)session didFinishReceivingResourceWithName:(NSString *)resourceName fromPeer:(MCPeerID *)peerID atURL:(NSURL *)localURL withError:(NSError *)error
Note: The app is responsible for moving the file to a permanent location within its sandbox.
MCAdvertiserAssistant is a convenience class for implementing an Advertiser, which handles invitations and connections to an MCSession.
MCSession has a new initWithPeer: method.
sendResource has added “with” to the completionHandler.
The timeout has been removed from connectPeer:withNearbyConnectionData.
For more information on these APIs, watch WWDC 2013: Nearby Networking with Multipeer Connectivity.

AVAudioSession can no longer become active by apps in the background that wake due to Background Fetch, Background Transfers, and Remote Notification events.
The time limit for task completion has decreased from the 10 minutes it was in iOS 6.
Two low-level networking APIs that used to return a MAC address now return the fixed value 02:00:00:00:00:00. The APIs in question are sysctl (NET_RT_IFLIST) and ioctl (SIOCGIFCONF). Developers using the value of the MAC address should migrate to identifiers such as -[UIDevice identifierForVendor]. This change affects all apps running on iOS 7.

Objective-C Runtime
Due to changes in how the isa field is implemented, *self may change during enumeration (for example, if the container is retained).

Workaround: When implementing countByEnumeratingWithState, do not set state->mutationsPtr = self.

Passbook has added support for the major and minor fields to better match the rest of the iBeacon ecosystem. The new major and minor keys are independently variable optional alongside proximityUUID (required) in each dictionary in the beacons array.
In previous versions of the iOS SDK, Passbook did not validate the back fields on passes completely. The validation rules have not changed, but validation is now including back fields. Please check the console log for additional logs.
PKPassLibraryDidCancelAddPasses is a new status code in the PKPassLibraryAddPassesStatus enum. It signifies that the user tapped Cancel in an add-passes alert.
Upon upgrading from an earlier seed, photo thumbnails in the Photos app will not appear for a short while.

Known Issue
If upgrading to the GM Seed from an earlier seed, Safari preferences may be lost.

Workaround: Disable passcode lock before you upgrade.

-[UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] is no longer accepted in submissions to the App Store. In iOS 7, apps that are already on the store or on users’ devices that call this removed API will no longer be returned the UDID. Instead, -[UIDevice uniqueIdentifier] will return a 40-character string starting with FFFFFFFF, followed by the hex value of -[UIDevice identifierForVendor]. It is important to consider how this will affect existing apps. Consider submitting updates that no longer access the UDID.
iOS now requests user consent for apps to use audio input on all iOS 7 devices. For devices sold in China, iOS will also request user consent for apps to use the camera hardware. The operating system will present the consent alert when you set the category of the instantiated AVAudioSession. The AVAudioSession categories that will present the alert are AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord and AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayAndRecord.If the user doesn’t allow access, the audio session data will be all zeros (silence). For devices where camera access is requested and denied by the user, the video capture session is a black screen.
The API gethostuuid() has been removed and will not be accepted for submission to the store, regardless of the targeted OS. For existing apps running on iOS 7, the function will return a uuid_t representation of the vendor identifier (-[UIDevice identifierForVendor]).
Through iOS 6, when using TWTweetComposeViewController and SLComposeViewController (the latter only for Twitter and Weibo, but not Facebook), if the caller supplies a completionHandler, the supplied completionHandleris responsible for dismissing the view controller. As of iOS 7, if the app links against the iOS 7 SDK, the view controller will dismiss itself even if the caller supplies a completionHandler. To avoid this, the caller’s completionHandlershould not dismiss the view controller.
When using the iOS 6.1 SDK on OS X v10.8 Mountain Lion, if you use the iOS 5.0 or iOS 5.1 Legacy SDK in iOS Simulator, you will not be able to use Twitter features: attempting to sign in to Twitter via the Settings pane will fail, andTwitter.framework will not work correctly. If you need to test Twitter features, you will need to choose either an iOS 6.1 or iOS 6.0 Simulator run destination, or you can test with iOS 5.x on a device.
Active touches are no longer canceled when the user takes a screenshot.
Dynamic wallpaper is not available on iPhone 4.
Fixed in GM Seed
App downloads no longer get stuck in the “Waiting” state.

Fixed in GM Seed
Password fields were not displayed in alert views for apps in landscape (for example, Game Center authentication or In-App Purchase).

Known Issues
If a UITextField or a UILabel that is baseline-aligned with constraints has attributes that change after the constraints have been added, the layout may be incorrect. The exception to this is -setFont: on UILabel, which should work as expected.Workaround: Avoid making changes in UITextField or UILabel after adding baseline-alignment constraints. If you must make changes, you should remove the constraints and then reapply them afterward. Note that this is a performance hit, so don’t do it unless it is necessary.
The backIndicatorTransitionMask from a storyboard or a xib will not be interpreted correctly at runtime.Workaround: Set the backIndicatorTransitionMask in code.
When there isn’t enough room in the navigation bar layout for the full text of the back button title, the navigation bar will substitute a generic short back title (in English, “Back”). If even that string is too long, the bar will show the back indicator chevron with no title.
+[UIPasteboard pasteboardWithName:create:] and +[UIPasteboard pasteboardWithUniqueName] now unique the given name to allow only those apps in the same application group to access the pasteboard. If the developer attempts to create a pasteboard with a name that already exists and they are not part of the same app suite, they will get their own unique and private pasteboard. Note that this does not affect the system provided pasteboards, general, and find.
Apps default to using the new view controller-based status bar management system. To opt out of this, add a value of NO for the UIViewControllerBasedStatusBarAppearance key to your Info.plist.
When using Auto Layout to position a UIButton, if you set the content compression resistance or content hugging priority to minimum, the button will have ambiguous layout.Workaround: Don’t use a content compression resistance or content hugging priority of less than 2 for UIButton.
UIScreenEdgePanGestureRecognizer allows you to perform actions in response to swipes over the edge of the screen using the same heuristics that the system uses for its own gestures. Use this if you have a navigation semantic of your own that doesn’t use UINavigationController but should include this gesture (e.g., Safari).This gesture recognizer has a property that describes the edges on which it’s active. UIRectEdge is a new enum type that this property and -[UIViewController edgesForExtendedLayout] can share. UIRectEdge replacesUIExtendedEdge, which will be removed. The members of both have the same values. Use Xcode to replace all instances of “UIExtendedEdge” in your project with “UIRectEdge”.
UIButtonTypeInfoLight, UIButtonTypeInfoDark, and UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure buttons all look the same.
Blurred layers are not available on iPhone 4.
Parallax is not available on iPhone 4.
Letterpress text is not available on iPhone 4.
Weather conditions are not animated on iPhone 4.

Previously, when the viewport parameters were modified, the old parameters were never discarded. This caused the viewport parameters to be additive.For example, if you started with width=device-width and then changed it to initial-scale=1.0, you ended up with a computed viewport of width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0.
In iOS 7, this has been addressed. Now you end up with with a computed viewport of initial-scale=1.0.

Previously, when using, the scale could be incorrect after rotation.Now, if a user has not scaled the page explicitly, the page is restored to its initial scale. Also, the current scale is now correctly restricted within the min-scale, max-scale bounds.
Some images for Retina display devices appear at twice the size that they should instead of being scaled down 50%. This issue can also occur with any image to be scaled that is larger than its container and that uses either thebackground-size property or the -webkit-background-size property. This issue affects both native apps that display web content and web pages viewed in Safari for iPhone.The background CSS shorthand property now resets the value of the background-size property to auto when background size is not specified. This new behavior is per the CSS spec, and the old behavior is available only for apps linked to an SDK prior to iOS 7.0 when running on iOS 7 or later.
Workaround: Specify the background-size property or the -webkit-background-size property after the background shorthand property in the CSS stylesheet for the web content being displayed.

Web apps and web clips created prior to Seed 4 will not stay in folders across reboot.Workaround: Delete the old web app or web clip and recreate it in this seed by loading the content in Safari, tapping the Action button, and then “Add to Home Screen.”[/toggle]


AAPL Shares Fall by 3%After iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S Announcement

The investors in stock market doesn’t seems to be happy after the announcement of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C later today by Apple. Whenever there is a rumor regarding a new iPhone launch prior to official announcement, the AAPL stock prices start skyrocketing and when the official announcement is done by Apple, the shares price fire up’s to the highest mark. This time something different happened with AAPL Shares price.

The price of AAPL went high based on rumors and after today’s official announcement of iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C, the prices of AAPL shares fall down by about 3%.



The Wall Street Journal isn’t closed, hence there is sometime reaming for the traders to trade in AAPL Shares and revive this fall. However, the sudden fall in AAPL Shares on the launch day is shocking because this usually doesn’t happens with AAPL Shares.

It seems like the design of iPhone 5C failed to impress the Wall Street Journal investors or they didn’t liked the price of iPhone 5C as a mid-range iPhone. In other words, we can say that iPhone 5C is over priced.


iPhone 5S vs Galaxy S4, HTC One, and Major Competitors

Brace your self because Apple has announced iPhone 5S today and you would be going crazy over the iPhone 5S to purchase it on September 20 or pre-order it on September 13, 2013. Before you could carry on with the purchase behavior, Gizmodo has done some homework for you people to decide what phone is best and worth it to spend money on. We already got ground breaking competitors of Apple in the market and every one willing to buy a new iPhone or any other smart phone always compare or Google’s about the VS thing of the phone with other one.

Therefore, Gizmodo has compiled a list that will fulfill your needs and would allow you to decide which Phone is better for you and is the iPhone 5S worth buying or not. The newly released iPhone 5S VS Galaxy S4, HTC One, and other competitors are shown in the image below:

iPhone 5S VS Galaxy S4 VS HTC One, and Others:





Be the judge your self and do let us know about which one is the best to go with.


Apple iPhone 5C is Android Free, But Its Plastic – Details

After months of speculation and rumors regarding the new iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S, they are official now. Today on the Media Event of iPhone, Apple finally unveiled the smartphones lineup they were hiding behind the curtain for long, but we as chapman knew what is behind the curtains because we are up to date with latest rumors and tidbits related to Apple rumors. Therefore, majority of the public knew that iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C would be making an appearance today at Apple’s Media Event. Hence, the announcement didn’t amused us because we also knew that iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S would be coming today.

The thing that amused us was the pick on Android done by Phil stating that the iPhone 5C is Android Free. All he wanted to say was that the iPhone 5C is made of plastic body, but its Android free and runs iOS. The main point was to point out on Samsung’s Smartphones because they are made of Plastic and Samsung’s Latest Flagship, Samsung Galaxy S4 is made of Plastic as well.


In other words, we can say that Phil wanted to pick on Samsung’s mid range Phones that are Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini and Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini. Therefore, Apple release iPhone 5C, instead of iPhone Mini under plastic body with iPod Touch 5 imitating Design.

As far as the hardware part is concerned, we wont be putting any light on it because it is the same as of the iPhone 5 and Apple has kicked iPhone 5 off the shelves to sale out iPhone 5C and iPhone 5S. The iPhone 5 and iPhone 5C have almost the same specifications, but they got different color scheme and design.

If you are planning to upgrade from your current iPhone 5 to iPhone 5C, we would suggest to refrain from updating because it is the same with different name and to pay extra for color scheme is not a good idea. Its better to wait for iPhone 6 and save money.


As far as the price is concerned, its $99 for 16GB variant, $199 for 32GB variant with 2 years contract and $549 for 16GB, 649 for 32GB Apple iPhone 5C off the contract.

The release date of Apple iPhone 5C is scheduled for September 20 across several countries and pre-order date is scheduled for September 13, 2013.